Before Holy Week
Set up a sacred space in your home. Possible items: table cloth, candles, cross, Holy images, scripture cards, Bible.
An Artistic Holy Week
Select an appropriate scripture reading for each day of Holy Week and create an artistic representation of the story (suggestions here). You could use paper & crayon, playdough, blocks, or Legos. For example, check out this Lego Journey through Holy Week.
Palm Sunday
Pick branches from your yard or neighborhood. Read Matthew 21:1-11. Have a procession through your yard or home saying, “Hosanna!” “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” You can also make palm branches.
Maundy Thursday
Stripping the Table – “Stripping the Altar” is an ancient custom of the Church. To do this at home, pick a table and remove all objects. Wash the table. The table could be your home altar.
Footwashing – Jesus washed the feet of his friends as an act of love, service, and preparation. Take turns washing one another’s feet. Or, wash your hands using this prayer.
Good Friday
Fast from technology from 12:00 to 3:00pm (or from noon on Friday-noon on Saturday).
Meditate on the Stations of the Cross. This booklet of woodcuttings is one option.
Holy Saturday
Read or listen to the traditional Holy Saturday anthem “In the midst of death” and spend some time in silence.
Dye Easter eggs. The wax crayon method at the bottom of this post ties in with the waiting of Holy Saturday.
Easter Day
Watch the sunrise, the movement from darkness into light. Here are some readings for a Sunrise Easter Breakfast.