Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.
~ Proverbs 16:3 NRSV
Nativity Episcopal Church is exceptionally grateful for its generous members and benefactors’ financial, volunteer, and prayerful support. Thanks to the continued success of our annual stewardship campaign, pledged contributions are Nativity’s primary revenue source for meeting day-to-day operating expenses.
Focusing long-term, beyond annual pledges, the Vestry has established an endowment fund, namely the Nativity Legacy Fund, for the investment of unrestricted gifts and memorials, which will generate supplemental income to support Nativity’s programs and ministries for many years in the future.
There are several potential ways to leave a legacy with Nativity during your lifetime or as part of your estate plan. Recognizing those who contribute to the Legacy Fund, we have established the Nativity Legacy Society.
George Scalia, Team Lead and The Rev. Dana Fath Strande, Rector
The Legacy Fund is intended to be a perpetual repository of legacy gifts received through Nativity’s Planned Giving program. Withdrawals of up to 5% of the Fund’s balance can be made annually. The Finance team and Vestry will determine how Fund withdrawals should be deployed in furtherance of Nativity’s mission. The Legacy Fund is invested in a balanced index fund, consisting primarily of U.S. and international stocks and bonds.
All information concerning donors or prospective donors will be kept strictly confidential by Nativity unless permission is obtained from the donor to release such information. Donors who wish to be recognized for their gifts will be enrolled in the Nativity Legacy Society.
Planned giving involves several important considerations, including timing, structure, complexity, and tax efficiency. For these reasons, we advise you to consult your attorney or tax advisor before making any charitable gifts.
There are many ways you can leave a legacy gift to Nativity. Here is a partial list of potential charitable gifting options and strategies that may be appropriate for your situation:
• Cash contributions / memorials
• Appreciated stock
• Donor-advised fund (DAF) grants
• IRA qualified charitable distributions
• Life insurance
• Real estate
• Beneficiary designations on retirement plans and IRAs
• Charitable bequests and trust designations
• Charitable remainder trusts
• Charitable lead trusts