Wherever you are in your faith journey, you are welcome at Nativity to worship with us, to be spiritually nourished and to be motivated to be Christ’s hands and heart in the world. Our Sunday Morning experience is guided by our core values of communion, both at God’s Table and with each other, faith formation for all ages and fellowship.
9:00 am – Adult Forum is offered until 10:00 am.
10:15 am – Holy Eucharist guided by many of the corporate prayers from the Book of Common Prayer and the wider Anglican Church, with a combination of music provided by Organ, Piano, Choir, Ensemble, and Hand Bells. This service is in-person and also streamed on Zoom, Youtube, and Facebook.
11:15 am – Coffee Hour begins
At Nativity, we welcome children into all aspects of our Sunday morning experience. Children and youth serve as acolytes, readers and music ministers and have their own faith formation programs. During the sermon time, we offer a children’s message with response time and activity bags are offered at both of our services. Children are welcome to sit at our “Prayground,” a quiet play table we have set up at the front of our Sanctuary. Our members come from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles and faith traditions, and yet we are united in the sacrament of bread and wine each week. We welcome you to join us in worship.
Our Service
The service is a celebration of the Holy Eucharist, which means “thanksgiving” in Greek. We give thanks for what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. It is also known as Holy Communion, because in it we commune with God and also with each other as the Body of Christ. We believe we encounter the Holy as we receive the communion and all are welcome at God’s Table.
Special Services
Click here to find details on other services offered at Nativity. (Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals)