Adult Faith Formation Team


Team Lead:  Dana Fath Strande
Team members:  Dana Strande, Diane Grier, Gretchen Goodman, Kelly Casey,  and Christina Kopischke
Overview:  The Adult Faith Formation Team is responsible for  providing for the spiritual growth and faith formation of adults at Nativity.
Things we manage or decide:
  1. Scheduling of all Adult Faith Formation Opportunities.
  2. Determination of topics and curriculum.
  3. Contacting and contracting with speakers and resources.
  4. Creating physical space that is conducive for presentations and small groups.
  5. Determine the yearly budgetary needs of the team for recommendation to the Finance Team.
Activities we are accountable for
  1. Sunday Morning Adult Forums
  2. Wednesday at Nativity Adult Faith Formation
  3. Adult Faith Formation Retreats
  4. Adult Bible Studies
  5. Growing Together Through Prayer
  6. Episcopal 101 Class
  7. Approve any expenditures for team budgetary line items as requested via the “green slips”
How can you help, what skills do you need?
  1. The desire to strengthen faith formation opportunities for adult members.
  2. Willingness to present topics or to research speakers the team would like to explore.
What is the time commitment?
  1. We meet about once a month, Wednesdays 4-5:30 pm to brainstorm and plan.
  2. More time will be needed to host a speaker.
  3. Total time depends on amount of involvement.
How to contact us…