Donate to Nativity

Donate to Nativity

To donate electronically to Nativity, please click the “Donate” button below. You can donate, using your debit or credit card. If you have a PayPal account you can also donate via a checking account. Thank you for your contribution to Nativity. (Note: PayPal charges 2.9% of each transaction + $0.30. Therefore if you can contribute more to offset these fees please do. Thank you!)

Donation Instructions

  1. Click the Donate button. This will bring you to the PayPal page to donate, which will look like the image below.

  2. From the donate page where it shows the dollar amount, you can click on that dollar amount and type the amount you want to donate.
  3. Select one of the two categories for your donation. “Pledged Donation or General Donation (unpledged)”. Note: Please don’t leave it as “(Optional)”.
  4. Now you have the option to make this a monthly donation, by clicking to check the checkbox, or leave it unchecked if you want it as a one time donation.
  5. After you have made you selection you can click either donate through your PayPal account or donate with your Debit or Credit Card. (Note: If you donate with your PayPal account you can have it come out of a checking account instead of from a Debit or Credit card. That require some additional setup, not described here.)
  6. Follow PayPal’s instructions to complete your donation.

Thank you for your continued support of our much needed ministries!