Our Best Selves

As their time together came to a close, a small group of people began to share how much they loved being a part of the community.
“I just feel like I can really be myself in this group,” said one.
Another responded, “I agree. I feel both comfortable and challenged, in a good way, being with all of you.”
“I always feel like I am my best self in this group!” proclaimed another.
Where and when do you feel like you are your “best self?” How would you articulate your best self? If it is in certain communities, what are the particular dynamics of that community that create the space where you can be your best self? Have you ever taken the time to reflect on what your best self is like, and why it might be easier to live into that self in some situations than others?
What would happen if you took 40 days to focus on the things and places that really help you live into your best self?
At the core of our Lenten journey is the invitation to live into our best self.
Theologically speaking, the season of Lent, which begins tomorrow, provides us with the opportunity to do things that help us live more fully into the person God is calling us to be.
To gain clarity about God’s call to us, it is important to create space to hear that “still small voice” through prayer and reflection. It is also important for us to examine where we presently find ourselves. As we do this, we are able to turn toward repentance, and as we repent, we are better able to follow in the Way of Jesus. Both the journey and the destination bring us closer to the Beloved Community.
May we all take full advantage what Lent has to offer. May we take advantage of the opportunity to pray, reflect, turn, follow, and live more fully in the Beloved Community. And, as we we follow this path, may we learn to live into the people God has created us and is calling us to be – beloved children of God, our best selves!

Source: Bishop Brian Prior – Our Best Selves