The Spirit is Stirring

A number of months ago when I was prayerfully reflecting on the episcopate transition process I wondered how I might support both ECMN and the candidates during the road trip. In talking with the community that helps me discern, the following became clear:

First is to make sure that ECMN, especially the Transition Team, is fully supported in their ministry of hospitality. These folks have worked extremely hard to make sure that our candidates are well taken care of, all the while making sure ECMN has a positive experience in engaging them. Please express your gratitude to these gifted servants when you see them this week.

Second is to make sure, in my conversations with the candidates leading up to this part in the process, that I have done everything I can to answer questions and wonderings. As a gentle, loving, reminder, these are good, faithful folks who are offering their God-given gifts for ECMN. Everyone who has gone through this process, including myself, would tell you that it is a very vulnerable time. I know we will show them the welcome and warmth of the Beloved Community as they are here in ECMN.

Finally, and most importantly, I will be focusing a significant part of this week on prayers for the Spirit to lead ECMN into partnership with the person God is calling forth as the Xth Bishop of Minnesota. To create space for both the road trip and to be in prayer, I will spend most of the week in one of my thin places outside of ECMN.

This is an exciting time in our life in ECMN. As always, I can’t wait to see what God is up to in our neck of the woods. I trust that the Spirit is swirling in our midst. Our call is to keep opening ourselves to the movement of that Spirit, following in the Way of Jesus, the Way of Love, in living into God’s mission of the Beloved Community.

Be assured, I will hold all deeply in my prayers.

Source: Bishop Brian Prior – The Spirit is Stirring