I have been extremely blessed this summer to spend a lot of time with extended family, close friends, and people I have shared significant experiences with. Each encounter has been fulfilling and has given me a deep sense of gratitude for the network of people in my life.
As the saying goes, who you spend your time with says a lot about the person you are. Those we are most deeply connected to have the greatest influence and impact on how we navigate our life journey.
Besides the people we are connected with, I often encourage clergy to have a lifeline to a spiritual director, therapist, vocational coach, and someone you consider a trusted friend and confidant that is not your significant other. The hope is that this circle of people, or ‘council of advice,’ will also influence us, as they speak truth in love.
It is a blessing to be surrounded by a loving family and supportive friends – those who love us regardless. Yet for us to truly live into the fullness of who God is calling us to be, it will require us to to also be surrounded by those who will help us stretch into who we are becoming.
Source: Bishop Brian Prior – Who we are Becoming