Making Joyful Noise


One of the greatest blessings of Easter is the incredible music in the Easter Sunday service. Like Christmas Eve, the seasonal music proclaims with great clarity why we are gathering.

On Easter, we sing:

“Hail thee, festival day! Blest day that art hallowed forever; day wherein Christ arose, breaking the kingdom of death.”

One of the greatest blessings of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota is our music ministry. As I visit faith communities of all shapes and sizes across our state, the incredible music at our liturgies never ceases to amaze me: the quality, the diversity, and most importantly, the clear Spirit in which it is offered.

A couple of weeks ago, I was blessed to attend the Musicians Conference with three amazing music leaders from ECMN. Serving as the coordinator and chaplain, I had the privilege of spending three days listening to both sounds and stories of those who serve faithfully as music ministers. They came from Hawaii to Connecticut. They lead traditional choirs, large Gospel choirs, children’s music and youth bands. Most importantly, they all came as teachers and learners.

Unquestionably, one of our greatest assets in the Episcopal Church is our music. Time and time again, people have shared with me that they appreciate the breadth and depth of the music across our Church. I am very grateful for all those engaged in music ministry in ECMN. What you bring to our worship is transformative.

And speaking of music . . . please consider encouraging our young people to attend ECMN’s Episcopal Youth Music Camp (EYMC).

Spirit Truth, pure Light of Love, Guiding Light of God above; make your beacon ours; inspire us to shine so all may know the radiance of the Spirit’s own revealing power.

Spirit Wind, sweet Song of Love, stirring song of God above, make your music ours; excite us to sing so all may know the anthem of the Spirit’s own resounding power.

Spirit Fire, fierce Breath of Love, blazing breath of God above, make your passion ours; impel us to live so all may know the fervor of the Spirit’s own resplendent power.
– Carol McClure

Source: Bishop Brian Prior – Making Joyful Noise